The Humility in Change

Have you observed yourself doing something because you have always done it? Do you hold on to certain activities, styles, methods because you have a reputation for them? Do you do something because you know you’re good at it and you might not be good at doing something else?

I have observed these things about myself and realized that I am avoiding change because it hurts my pride. I like having the reputation of being well-balanced in all that I do. I like the idea that I’m well-rounded and able to juggle motherhood and everything else. I have held myself to a certain standard of quality and consistency and hate admitting that I can maintain that standard without letting go of certain activities I’ve always done.

It’s humbling to say I can’t do it all. That means I’ve dropped the ball on more than one occasion. It means I’ve messed up more than I care to acknowledge. It means I have to say “ta ta for now” to things I truly enjoy doing and people I enjoy interacting with on a regular basis.

But it’s also freeing. It means I can linger a little more, breathe a little deeper, and focus a little longer. It means that I know what my priorities are and I’m upholding them. It means that what I’m keeping is going to flourish with extra cultivation and I have made peace with the things I’m letting go.

Change is hard but it is healthy. It is indicator of growth in life and in character. It’s ok to be wistful when encountering change, but it’s also ok to allow it to refresh you.

About wordvessel

Aloha! This blog is a window into the active mind of a wife, mother, woman and individual. I may be busy every moment of every day, but I still have time to think. Many seasons have blossomed and faded within my life, and this blog has endured through all of them. It is safe to say that my writing has matured because of them. I hope that you will be inspired to think in fresh ways as you read my writing. To Jesus be all the glory.
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4 Responses to The Humility in Change

  1. Ohhh great, great post ๐Ÿ˜ I needed to hear this. I really like order, and I hate incompleted projects. But God has been helping me with this; I blessing I didnโ€™t ask for ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We did have the same message from God in our hearts and minds this week! It is awesome when the Holy Spirit brings a similar message to light in different people’s lives and voices. You really helped point out the freedom that comes from letting go and the pride we sometimes hold on to that keeps us gripping so tightly to where we are. I agree, sometimes we are saying goodbye to things that are good. It’s not easy to change, but the things we are clinging to may not be our highest calling at this time. May God continue to lead you to His highest calling for every moment in the days and weeks ahead. God bless you!


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