The Tired Mama

If there’s a tired mama in your circle of acquaintances, be gentle with her.

It’s very possible she considers two consecutive hours of sleep a decent night’s rest.

She may get her words mixed up or lose her train of thought in the middle of a sentence.

She might have 80 text messages to answer, forget to check her voicemails, and rarely return a phone call.

Her children might eat boxed mac and cheese two lunches in a row and frozen pizza two dinners in a row.

It’s possible you don’t agree with how she disciplines: too loud one day and too lenient the next.

Likely she will cry at the drop of a hat or at the fifth spill in a row.

There’s a chance she compares herself to all the women she thinks aren’t tired and sees how they do it all: perfect self-care routine, immaculate houses, balanced personal and spiritual life…and…well…everything she just isn’t able to do right now.

I’m certain she wonders about how God views her: does He see a harried, frazzled mess or does He see a daughter trying to do her best?

Some might say she’s too easily overwhelmed or she’s bitten off more than she can chew. But she probably is the way she is because she is simply a tired mama.

When days roll into nights that roll into days again and there’s no pause or break or chance to breathe, a mama gets tired. I really don’t think it means she doesn’t love what she does or adore who she’s all about every single day. It probably just means she’s genuinely tired- physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Don’t ask her lots of questions or try to solve her problems. Don’t tell her what she needs to do to get rest. Try to not be miffed if her answers are brief.

Instead, listen. Acknowledge her exhaustion. Assure her you’re there if she needs anything. Surprise her. Let her know that it will all work out and one day she will sleep again. Speak kindly. Go gently with her.

About wordvessel

Aloha! This blog is a window into the active mind of a wife, mother, woman and individual. I may be busy every moment of every day, but I still have time to think. Many seasons have blossomed and faded within my life, and this blog has endured through all of them. It is safe to say that my writing has matured because of them. I hope that you will be inspired to think in fresh ways as you read my writing. To Jesus be all the glory.
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10 Responses to The Tired Mama

  1. I could not have said it better, listen and encourage the mamas, we all could use some edifying


  2. Raising5Roberts says:

    Such a good reminder as I was already feeling like a failure at 7am.
    Thank you for writing this.


    • wordvessel says:

      I never realized the impact lack of sleep could have on a person until I experienced it myself. It’s changed my perspective a lot. I am thankful this could encourage you, Friend. With Jesus we can still live well through the exhaustion.


  3. Jennifer Johnson says:

    Thank you for these words. I felt like you were talking to me. It’s a good reminder to be kind about the way I think about myself when I feel overwhelmed or think I’m doing it all wrong. It also reminds me not to assume things about others. Thank you


    • wordvessel says:

      I never realized the impact lack of sleep could have on a person until I experienced it myself. It’s changed my perspective a lot. I am thankful this could encourage you, Friend. With Jesus we can still live well through the exhaustion.


  4. Katie Stewart says:

    Tired mama here 🙋🏼‍♀️ this is great advice!


    • wordvessel says:

      I never realized the impact lack of sleep could have on a person until I experienced it myself. It’s changed my perspective a lot. I am thankful this could encourage you, Friend. With Jesus we can still live well through the exhaustion.


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